Physical Health Observance: American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. You can help protect your heart against heart disease with self-care, like moving more, eating healthier, managing stress, not smoking/vaping and getting enough quality sleep. Add more movement to your day with these tips:


  • Use a phone app or buy a pedometer. Use it every day, and count your steps.
  • Walk before or after work or on your lunch break. Instead of taking a snack or coffee break, take a walk break.
  • If the weather is bad, use a treadmill. Or take comfortable shoes to the mall, and walk several laps inside.
  • Walk to work, school, the grocery store, or a restaurant.
  • Walk around your neighborhood, around an entire park, or to do errands.
  • Schedule walks on your business calendar. Turn a walk into a brainstorming session with a coworker.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and socks that cushion your feet.
  • Drink plenty of water. Take a bottle with you when you walk.
  • Be safe, and know your surroundings. Walk in a well-lighted, safe place.
  • Plan family outings around walks together.
  • Take your dog on a walk.
  • Set a goal to participate in an organized fitness walk.


Learn more about the importance of physical activity to improve your health in this article.


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