Finding Joy at Work

Sometimes it can be hard to remember the optimistic motivations that initially inspired your career choices. That spark can fade. However, rediscovering joy at work is possible. Try reconsidering your unique strengths and abilities, and ask yourself if you’re getting the most out of your talents. If you’re not sure, consider these ideas for reclaiming joy.

  • Don't disconnect from those around you even if you’re uninspired at work. Instead, show interest in their lives. By extending yourself, you’ll receive mutual support to help you through tough times.
  • Spot growth opportunities. Rather than simply protecting yourself from failure on the job, volunteer to tackle new projects or other tasks.
  • Compliment your peers who’ve done great work. Offering praise is easy, and it circles back to you in
    positive ways.
  • Share a smile and a laugh. Some tasteful humor in the moment at work helps cut the tension and puts others at