Emotional Well-Being: Managing Relationship Stress for Families

Living in a house full of people can be stressful under the best of conditions. And it can be especially challenging during some life events, like a move or an illness. There may be fewer social connections outside of the family, as well as disruptions to your family's normal routines.

Here's how to cope:

  • Try to stay on a regular schedule
    You can keep things as normal as possible by following your routines. For example, go to bed at the same time each day and wake up at the same time.

  • Try new things together
    Play a new board game. Discover a new craft. Or try different foods. Choose a night each week for movies and games. Let the kids help make decisions about new things to try.

  • Keep moving
    Exercise can help reduce stress. Have a family dance party. Take walks together. Set family exercise goals, like seeing how many pushups or jumping jacks each of you can do. 

  • Laugh together
    Find things to do that will make you laugh. For example, you could watch a funny movie together or read a favorite book.

  • Talk to each other about your feelings
    Let others know if you're scared, sad, or frustrated. Help them understand what you need. You or your child might be worried and want to talk about it. Or maybe someone just needs a hug.

  • Connect with friends and family
    Make time to connect with friends and family either in person or by phone, email, or video calls. Staying in touch with people outside of your home will help you feel better.

  • Limit media time
    It's easy to feel stressed when you spend too much time watching the news or on social media. Set limits on how much time the family can spend doing those things. And reward the family for sticking to their goals by playing a favorite game or doing another fun activity together.

  • Stay calm
    When you're angry or upset, take a few deep breaths before you speak. Teach your children to do the same when they have strong feelings. Have your child lie down and place a stuffed animal on their belly. Show them how the stuffed animal slowly goes up and down with their slow, deep breaths.