Managers can use Workplace Support Services for confidential guidance to help improve team dynamics and assist staff in the most productive and appropriate manner.
Your program provides specialized workplace support consultants to assist managers and supervisors in effectively assessing challenging situations and determining the appropriate level of intervention based on departmental policies. Managers can call Workplace Support Services for a confidential management consultation on how to approach team dynamics or individual concerns including:
- Providing guidance on how to communicate a performance issue to staff.
- Explaining how to offer assistance in the most productive and appropriate manner.
- Offering suggestions on how to approach a referral and identify important actions to document.
- Discussing options for dealing with a difficult situation.
This is a voluntary and confidential program. Staff is not required to use it; however, the program can be a valuable resource to help with many of the situations that your staff struggles with. Supervisor referrals are not disciplinary measures and do not replace standard policies and procedures for dealing with poor work performance, drug testing, or federal regulations.
Call @@CLIENT_PHONE_NUMBER@@ or click here to visit the Manager Support program tile for more information and resources.