Supervisor Support

Supervisor-Centric Guidance and Support

Managers and supervisors commonly aim to create a safe and productive environment and keep employees engaged in their work. The EAP provides various services and resources to support this effort, including confidential consultations on everyday management challenges. Get expert guidance on handling performance issues, supporting staff during traumatic events, leading your team through organizational changes, referring employees to the EAP, and much more.

And because you're an employee and a manager, we're here to help with any personal or work-related issues you may encounter, just as we would for your staff members.

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Supervisor Orientation
to the EAP


 Supervisor's Guide


Supervisor Webinars

Quarterly Live Sessions

Each quarter, your EAP hosts a live webinar specifically for managers and supervisors. Topics range from change management and dealing with conflict to leading with emotional intelligence and fostering a mentally healthy work environment. Click the webinar calendar link below to view this year's offerings and register for upcoming sessions.

2025 Webinar Calendar  |  Live Webinar FAQ

Most Recent  |  December 2024

Preparing for Tomorrow: Succession Planning to Support Organizational Health

In an era marked by rapid changes and transitions, succession planning emerges as a critical best practice. Effective succession plans provide for seamless leadership transitions, enrich internal talent, and safeguard operations against unexpected disruptions. This session underscores the essential role of these future-minded processes in maintaining organizational and employee continuity, growth, and resilience.

Slides  |  Recording


On-Demand Webinar Recordings

The recording and transcript of each webinar, a copy of the slides, and a resource handout are posted to this page about two weeks following the live event. Titles are added regularly, so be sure to check back often!

To view or listen to a recorded webinar, click on the recording link within the description. The video should automatically begin once the window opens. Use the controls at the bottom of the page to start, stop, and pause as needed.

September 2024
A Manager’s Guide to Supporting Employee Well-Being During Workplace Transitions

Recognizing that workplace change can evoke stress and upend workflow, managers play a vital role in supporting employees’ well-being and productivity in times of uncertainty. This comprehensive webinar for supervisors discusses approaches to ensuring a smooth transition while handling employee concerns and unease.

Slides  |   Resources

December 2022
Becoming a More Mindful Manager

Mindfulness has many benefits and can be an especially valuable tool for helping managers become more effective leaders. Mindful managers are more aware, present, empathetic, and better able to see things from someone else’s perspective. This session will guide you through these qualities and discuss strategies for growing and refining them to become a more mindful leader.

Transcript  |  Slides  |   Resources

June 2022
Effective Feedback

Although many managers may find it daunting, giving feedback to employees is a powerful tool. When delivered appropriately, even if it’s not always positive, providing regular feedback enhances employee relationships and improves team morale and productivity. We’ll help you gain desirable outcomes and happy employees by exploring practical approaches to imparting thoughtful, effective, and frequent feedback.

Transcript  |  Slides  |  Resources

December 2023
Focused and Self-Assured: How Setting Goals Can Improve Leaders’ Success and Well-Being

What are your goals, and how do they compare to those of a strong leader? If you’re feeling lost, this webinar can help you begin forging a path forward. We’ll start by looking within ourselves, finding purpose, and viewing the bigger picture. Then, we’ll zoom in on incremental steps and how to make goals that are challenging yet realistic. When the hour is up, you’ll know where you’re going and how to get there. That’s what we call success.

Slides  |  Resources

December 2020
Fostering a Mentally Healthy Workplace

Investing in fostering a mentally healthy work culture helps reduce absenteeism and healthcare costs and improves employee morale and productivity. With statistics revealing that one in four adults has a diagnosable mental health disorder, now is the time to proactively support a healthy environment. This webinar provides insight into addressing mental health in the workplace and managing the culture to improve the quality of your employees’ lives at work.

Transcript  |  Slides  |  Resources


June 2024
Lead by Example: Inspiring Well-Being and Positive Team Culture Through Communication

The way you communicate sets the tone for your team’s culture. This webinar focuses on the transformative power of communication in fostering a positive work environment. We’ll also explore some exercises to help you apply the skills we’ve covered.

Slides  |  Resources

September 2020
Stay Interviews: The Supervisor’s Secret to Retaining Talent

It’s no surprise that receiving the resignation of a high-performing employee is one of the biggest fears supervisors have. The loss of a valuable team member can leave a gaping hole in productivity and spirit, so keeping your best talent on board is imperative. This webinar provides effective tactics to help you stay connected to your employees, decrease the chances of them looking elsewhere, and keep you from wondering if there was more you could have done to retain them.

Transcript  |  Slides  |  Resources

March 2023
Supporting Employees' Mental Health

Although research shows that there’s been a slight decrease in mental health stigma since the pandemic and that workers now feel more comfortable talking about behavioral health in the workplace, stigma still exists across all spheres of society.

Slides  |  Resources


June 2023
You're Not a Fraud: Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Negative thinking is a natural pitfall of our brains. As leaders, we are often put in positions that might make us uncomfortable, causing us to doubt ourselves and our abilities. In this webinar, we’ll help you take off the mask, reveal your true self, and get on a path to lead with confidence.

Slides  |  Resources

Supervisor Campaigns

June 2024

EAP Campaign Poster - February 2022

Communicating Effectively with Employees

How you communicate with your employees is essential for building a positive work environment, fostering collaboration, and enhancing productivity. Keep reading for strategies and tips for communicating effectively with your team.

Keep Reading

March 2023
Are Your Employees Psychologically Safe?

Although research shows that there’s been a slight decrease since the pandemic, mental health stigma still exists across all spheres of society. Discover how you can manage culture to improve your employees’ quality of life.

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June 2022
The Fundamentals of Feedback

Commenting on your employees’ performance can be intimidating, yet it’s one of the most effective ways to interact with and motivate your team. Discover how to give constructive, inspiring feedback that leads to results.

PDF Newsletter (Text Only) | Poster 

December 2023
Get Goaling

To thrive as a leader, it’s best to know where you’re headed and to set milestones for how you’ll get there. Setting clear, actionable, and achievable goals should be the backbone of your strategy, stimulating motivation, alignment, and direction. Explore the proven recommendations below to aid you in forming and accomplishing your goals.

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December 2022
Manage Your Mindset to Improve Your Leadership Prowess

An effective leader engages and inspires employees and is productive and connected to the agency. All of this, on top of often being everything to everyone, is taxing, and it’s sometimes a feat just to get through the day. It may surprise you to learn that being effective isn’t about doing more—it’s about being more mindful about what you’re already doing.

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September 2022
Promoting a Positive Work Environment

A work culture that is collaborative, inclusive, and encourages camaraderie can lead to happier, healthier, and more motivated employees. With these tips, you can create a more enjoyable work experience for your team.

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June 2023
The Self-Assured Supervisor

As a leader, you deal with many challenges each day. On occasion, you may feel defeated, question your abilities, and wonder whether you’re making a difference. But even in the most difficult of times, your confidence still lies deep inside. Discover how to unlock it when you need it the most.

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September 2021
Supervisors Need Support, Too

You’re there for your employees – we’re here for you. Discover all the ways you can and should reach out to the EAP for confidential support, guidance, and answers.

PDF Newsletter (Text Only) | Poster